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Re: 精算Salary Survey (updated version)
[同主题阅读] [版面:精算] [作者:standardgirl] , 2007年05月23日11:04:49
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发信人: standardgirl (*~ballroom princess~*), 信区: Actuary
标 题: Re: 精算Salary Survey (updated version)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 23 11:04:49 2007)

It's jon hunting season again! Since so many of you are wondering about
salary levels, I thought I would start this thread to create a survey.

I will compile this information. If you don't feel like posting in public, please copy the question and send me a mail. I will post for you so no one would know who you are. =)

Please answer the following questions:
<Please post one post per offer you receive>

For ENTRY level:

* Year: (2005, 2006, 2007, etc.)
1. Annual Salary, line of business (life/health/pension/consulting/P&C,
etc), and size of firm:
2. Number of exams (which ones):
3. GPA:
4. Degree (BS or MS or PhD) and Field (Actuarial, Finance, Econ, etc.):
5. Number of Actuarial Internship:
6. Number of Other Internships (such as banking, etc.):
7. Location (midwest, Chicago, west coast, east cost, New England, etc.):
8. English communication skills and general interview skills:
9. Number of firms hiring at your college/university:
10. Does your school provide a strong career service or a strong program?
11. Any other factors? (e.g. exceptional vacation days, benefits,
negotiation or other factos that may have impacted your salary level)
12. H1B Information

For Experienced people:
1~8 from above, excluding GPA, but incuding number of years in industry and
any other factors.

see attachment.

I added H1B visa information based on my knowledge, if you found anything to
be incorret, please let me know! Thanks!

※ 修改:·standardgirl 於 Jul 6 10:52:57 2007 修改本文·[FROM: 65.217.]

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