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Re-Emphasis of Board Policies
[同主题阅读] [版面:律师事务所] [作者:gongxifacai] , 2007年05月07日19:30:36
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发信人: gongxifacai (恭喜发财), 信区: Law
标 题: Re-Emphasis of Board Policies
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 7 19:37:42 2007), 转信

Re-emphasis of Board Policies

As I said before, as the BM, I wish to be very much hands-off - a more
interventionist approach takes up more time, after all, and we don't have
all that much to spare.I wish to state categorically that I do not have any
desire to suppress criticism; bear in mind, though, that the basic rule of
the board is "please keep discussions generally polite".

That said I will be policing the following categories a bit more stringently
than I may have done in the past:

*Potentially legally actionable*

No debate on this one. If it looks a bit iffy, it's gone. Sorry, but none of
us can afford a court case.

*Foul or abusive*

Zero tolerance on personal attacks, name-calling, etc. Wherever possible in
such cases, I will attempt to retain the content of the post, but simply
remove the offensive wording.

*Deliberately or persistently disruptive*

Similar to the above. If there is any valid content to the message, I will
attempt to convey that, by paraphrasing if necessary. Often, though, posts
in this category are content-free.


Gone. No discussion.

*No "majia" or sockpuppets*

Posting under multiple names to make it appear that a number of people
support your view or to attack another person is prohibited. Hopefully,
registration of MITBBS will make this more difficult to do. Doing this
is a serious breach of netiquette and I will remove any postings that I can
prove are sockpuppets.

※ 修改:·gongxifacai 于 May 7 19:59:44 修改本文·[FROM: 65.96.]
※ 来源:·BBS 未名空间站 海外: 中国:·[FROM: 65.96.]

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