发信人: zengdl (方鸿渐博士), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: Atlantic City Trip
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Tue Feb 24 15:53:31 2004) WWW-POST
【 在 LittleBread (小面包) 的大作中提到: 】
: drive or take a bus (i live in PA. about 1-2 hrs drive)
either is OK.
but if take a bus there, and lose all you money in the first 30 minutes,
you'll have to wait hours to get on the returning bus.
: overnite or 1-day?
depends on your budget and if you want to watch shows.
: where to eat?
: where to live?
no need to stop over
: thanks a lot!
※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间 mitbbs.com.[FROM: 192.128.]