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Fingers Lake

发信人: jd (Jack Daniel), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: Partner needed! Re: [转载] 开着破车,带着睡袋
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon Jun 26 09:57:03 2000), 转信

【 在 worm (一蓑烟雨任平生) 的大作中提到: 】
: Finger lakes is in NY state, around Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
: Thousand Islands is on the boarder of US % Canada, some islands
: belong to NY state, some belong to Canada.
: 【 在 bystander (俗人) 的大作中提到: 】
: : where is Finger Lakes and Thousand Island? which state? Niagara
: : is not far from me, I'm considering to go there recently.

don't forget to go to Watkins Glen, at the south end of Lake
Seneca. there are couple restaurants at lake shore, you won't
forget the dinning experience. you canalso rent boats there.
there is a state park, with some indian stuff. new yor
state sales summer state park tickets, you might want to check
that out if you will visit a lot of state parks. good for
all state parks. niagara falls is also a state park on ny side.

generally speaking, finger lakes are under developed. it is
wonderful for sunday biking and family picnic, but a bit less
for a long distance travel destination.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]
发信人: meliora (朝露), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: Partner needed! Re: [转载] 开着破车,带着睡袋
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon Jun 26 14:06:57 2000), 转信

同意. finger lakes 是一大片风景, 但没有盛境. 适合周末
找个小湾吊鱼或者BBQ或者湖边树阴里打牌. 还可以开发或者
拜访自己喜欢的小酒厂. hehe.

Thousand Islands 景色不错, 但也不是大瀑布那样别处没有
的胜境. 是个与好友们camping的好地方--是个放松的好地方.

要去大瀑布最好办加那大签证. 那一侧效果好很多. 夏天,
周末或节日会有firework, 平时的晚上有彩灯照射瀑布. 如果

从瀑布到thousand Islands大约四小时车程(看你怎么开乐,hoho).
如果天气好心情好可以沿着所谓'sea way trail'开. 这是由
若干乡间公路组成的一条沿着湖边的公路. 不过就不会路过
fnger lakes啦.

好啦, 写到这儿吧. 如果还对什么感兴趣, 可以一起讨论.

【 在 jd (Jack Daniel) 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 在 worm (一蓑烟雨任平生) 的大作中提到: 】
: : Finger lakes is in NY state, around Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
: : Thousand Islands is on the boarder of US % Canada, some islands
: : belong to NY state, some belong to Canada.
: don't forget to go to Watkins Glen, at the south end of Lake
: Seneca. there are couple restaurants at lake shore, you won't
: forget the dinning experience. you canalso rent boats there.
: there is a state park, with some indian stuff. new yor
: state sales summer state park tickets, you might want to check
: that out if you will visit a lot of state parks. good for
: all state parks. niagara falls is also a state park on ny side.
: generally speaking, finger lakes are under developed. it is
: wonderful for sunday biking and family picnic, but a bit less
: for a long distance travel destination.

水果刀很温柔的样子, 但奔流着和匕首一样的血.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]


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